peter profile

Hello, I'm a

FullStack Web developer

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About Me

I'm a Fullstack Web Developer building Web Applications that leads to the success of the overall product. Check out some of my work in the Projects section.

Currently working towards becoming a proficient Full Stack Web Developer, I thrive on challenges and enjoy the multifaceted and wide nature of web development.

Once in a while I like challenging my design skills by jumping into Figma and designing my own user interfaces

I'm open to Job opportunities where I can contribute, learn and grow. If you have a good opportunity that matches my skills and experience then don't hesitate to contact me.

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2+ years
Fullstack web Development

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Bachelor of Computer Science - Karatina University

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Frontend Development

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Next JS

Backend Development

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Node JS

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Express JS

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Mongo DB

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Project 1

Housing Platform

This is a renting and buying ecomerce for houses which links home owners and tenants.

It uses MERN stack It also includes firebase to provide realtime database and authentication

Project 3

MERN Authentication

This is a backend code of ecomerce authentication. The code is written Nodejs,expressjs and mongodb.Here's sample of frontend

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